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Upload a logo

It is possible to display a company logo or a program-specific logo on your factsheets. Company logo is displayed on all programs while program-specific logo is displayed on particular programs only.

1. Uploading a company logo

1. Click on your profile.
2. Click Company profile.
3. Click Company Logo.

4. Upload your logo and make sure the “Show Logo in factsheets” checkbox is ticked.
5. Save changes.

2. Uploading a program-specific logo

This function may not be activated by default. If you would be interested, please contact us on Also, please note this feature is available for Topsheets Premium, Plus and Enterprise subscribers only.

1. Select program
2. Go to Other Program Terms / More Information

3. Scroll down to Program Logo section, upload your logo and tick the checkbox.
4. Save changes.

5. If your report uses a custom template created in our factsheet template editor, adjust the template´s header settings as described on screenshots below. In all other cases contact us on to enable the feature for your template.


  1. Andrea November 22, 2022 at 2:32 pm - Reply

    Hi, I want to active the program logo function

    • admin November 22, 2022 at 3:15 pm - Reply

      Hi Andrea, thank you for contacting us. That should not be a problem. If you do not mind, we will contact you via e-mail.

  2. Joël April 19, 2023 at 9:52 am - Reply

    Is it possible to change the automatic size of the picture?

    • admin April 19, 2023 at 11:56 am - Reply

      Hi Joël, yes it is possible. If you have a custom factsheet template, we can easily change the logo size on our end. Otherwise, you would need to play around with the amount of whitespace around the actual logo image (no whitespace makes the image to stretch and fill the container while more whitespace around the image makes it to appear smaller).

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