Topsheets Subscriptions Full Comparison
- per monthif billed annually$59 per monthif billed monthly
- Manage up to 3 funds
- 20+ ready to use templates
- 80+ investment statistics
- Email support
- per monthif billed annually$109 per monthif billed monthly
- Manage up to 20
- 20+ ready to use templates
- 80+ investment statistics
- Unlimited support
- 1 hr/mo admin work
- Custom templatesImplementation fee applies.
- Fund widgetsWidgets allow you to add parts of your factsheet into a website. The whole factsheet can be reproduced on your website. Just copy and paste short code snippets.
- Language versionsAll ready-made templates are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, or Russian. Just one click and your report is translated automatically.
- per monthif billed annually$159 per monthif billed monthly
- Manage up to 100 funds
- 20+ ready to use templates
- 80+ investment statistics
- Unlimited support
- 2 hr/mo admin work
- Custom templatesImplementation fee applies.
- Fund widgetsWidgets allow you to add parts of your factsheet into a website. The whole factsheet can be reproduced on your website. Just copy and paste short code snippets.
- Language versionsAll ready-made templates are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, or Russian. Just one click and your report is translated automatically.
- Limited API accessUse our API and get access to basic data from your account.
- Portfolio toolCreate a portfolio based on your programs and add stocks, mutual funds, indices, or managed futures from an external source. Add and remove programs, alter investment amounts, change allocation dates, or calculation methods.
- Client reportingStay in touch with your clients and provide them with the most up to date and accurate information about their investments.
- Blended Benchmarks
- Ideal for banks, large asset management firms, fund administrators…
- Manage unlimited # of funds
- 20+ ready to use templates
- 80+ investment statistics
- Unlimited support
- 4 hr/mo admin work
- Custom templatesImplementation fee applies.
- Fund widgetsWidgets allow you to add parts of your factsheet into a website. The whole factsheet can be reproduced on your website. Just copy and paste short code snippets.
- Language versionsAll ready-made templates are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, or Russian. Just one click and your report is translated automatically.
- Unlimited API accessUse our API and get full access to all your data, calculations, statistics and charts.
- Portfolio toolCreate a portfolio based on your programs and add stocks, mutual funds, indices, or managed futures from an external source. Add and remove programs, alter investment amounts, change allocation dates, or calculation methods.
- Client reportingStay in touch with your clients and provide them with the most up to date and accurate information about their investments.
- Client portalA fully customized and password-protected client portal where you can link individual clients to their reports. Manage client reports and your regular fund factsheets in a single user interface. One time implementation fee of $490.
- Blended Benchmarks
- Ideal for banks, large asset management firms, fund administrators…
- Managing more then 1000 funds?
- Contact us for an invididual approach and pricing.
Prices per one company profile.