Do you know your potential investors? Simply insert a Google Analytics code into your report and track your visitor activity.
Visitor tracking is a vital source of information for many businesses. Knowing how your site is performing is essential, however, it is not the only important factor. Greater understanding of your customers is also fundamental to a successful business.
This is why our fund factsheet generator allows you to track visitors of your fund tearsheets using Google Analytics.
Understand your customers
Google Analytics allows you to dig deeper into your statistics to reveal information about the size of the audience, demographic and geographic characteristics of your visitors and their behaviour.
Based on tracking results of your fund factsheets, you can learn who visits your reports, where they live, how old they are, what webpage they came from, as well as many more insights into the customer.
Tracking in just a few clicks
Would you like to start tracking visitors of your fund tearsheets? If so, you will first need a Google Analytics account. Once you have your Analytics account set up and configured, create a property and add its tracking code to Topsheets.
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