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Organize factsheets into folders

Topsheets allows users to create multiple folders to organize their tearsheets as needed. There are also a few options to manage your folders (e. g. rename and remove them). To move multiple factsheets at once, follow the steps described at section 4. Organize factsheets and folders using the Programs module.

1. Create new folders

– Right-click the collapsible “Programs” label in the left sidebar to open a context-menu.
– Click “Create folder”.
– A dialog will open in the right sidebar. Type in a name and click “Create”.
– A new folder will appear below “Programs” in the left sidebar.
– Alternatively skip the steps above and add a new folder while moving factsheets (see below 3. Manage folders).

2. Move factsheets into folders

– Right-click a factsheet (or click the 3 dots next to its name) in the left sidebar to open a context-menu.
– Click “Move to folder”.
– A dialog will open in the right sidebar. Select a destination folder and click “Save”.

3. Manage folders

– Repeat first two steps from above (2. Move factsheets into folders)
– The dialog in the right sidebar also allows users to create new folders and rename or remove existing ones.
– Alternatively right-click an existing folder in the left sidebar to open a context menu which allows you to rename or remove the folder.

4. Organize factsheets and folders using the Programs module

All three sections above describe how to work with folders using the Topsheets module. Users managing large number of factsheets may prefer to work with the Programs module. The main advantage is the ability to move multiple factsheets at once.

4.1 Create folders

– Switch to the Programs module
– Click “New Folder” in the left sidebar

4.2 Move factsheets & manage folders

– Switch to the Programs module.
– Select programs and click “Add to”.
– Select a destination folder in the right frame and click “Save”.
– The dialog in the right frame also allows users to create new folders and rename or remove existing ones.

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