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Edit general Information table items

More than 50 default items can be displayed in the General information table. It is also possible to add any number of your custom items (see Custom fields for more information).

1) Select which items are displayed

  • Move mouse over the General information table and click “Edit Settings”.
  • Select items in the settings dialog and click save.
  • Please note this is a template adjustment and will affect all programs using the selected template. Please see Program and template adjustments for more information.

2) Change items values

Items in the General information table come from various sections in Topsheets. The best way to edit their values is to use the “Edit content” icon.

You can also navigate to appropriate sections (e. g. Program Terms) and edit the information there. See the Item locations table at the bottom of this page to find out in which section adjust a particular item.

3) Rename items

All items can be renamed as needed. Move your mouse cursor over the label and when it´s background changes to blue click the label.

4) Item locations

General Information Table
ItemItem Location
AddressCompany Profile / Company Info
AdministratorMore Information / Other Program Terms
AdvisorMore Information / Other Program Terms / Legal Advisor
AuditorMore Information / Other Program Terms
Base CurrencyProgram Terms / Investment
Brokerage FeeProgram Terms / Fees
CompanyCompany Profile / Company Info
Company SkypeCompany Profile / Company Info
Contact PersonMore Information / Other Program Terms
Country NameCompany Profile / Company Info
CustodianMore Information / Other Program Terms
Drawdown LimitMore Information / Other Program Terms
EmailCompany Profile / Company Info
FaxCompany Profile / Company Info
Highwater MarkProgram Terms / Fees
Inception DatePerformance Data
Investment RestrictionProgram Terms / Investment
Investment StyleStrategy / Style
Legal AdvisorMore Information / Other Program Terms
Legal StructureProgram Terms / Others
Leverage UsedMore Information / Other Program Terms
Licence NumberCompany Profile / Company Info
LiquidityProgram Terms / Investment
LocationCompany Profile / Company Info
Management FeeProgram Terms / Fees
Margin to EquityProgram Terms / Others
Min. InvestmentProgram Terms / Investment
Morningstar RatingMore Information / Other Program Terms
NotificationMore Information / Other Program Terms
Number of AccountsCompany Profile / Company Info or Program Terms / Others
PerformanceProgram Terms / Others / Calculation Method
Performance Compiled byCompany Profile / Company Info
Performance FeeProgram Terms / Fees
PhoneCompany Profile / Company Info
Portfolio ManagerMore Information / Other Program Terms
PrincipalCompany Profile / Principal Info
Reporting PeriodMore Information / Other Program Terms
RT per MillionProgram Terms / Others
Social MediaCompany Profile / Company Info
Structural FeeProgram Terms / Fees
Subscription FeeProgram Terms / Fees
Subscription TermsMore Information / Other Program Terms
Targeted ReturnMore Information / Other Program Terms
Tax Form TypeMore Information / Other Program Terms
WebsiteCompany Profile / Company Info

See also:
Custom Fields

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