- Annual Performance Chart
- Asset Allocation History (Chart)
- Asset Class Exposure
- Consecutive Gains (Losses)
- Correlations (chart)
- Cumulative Returns (Equity)
- Displaying amounts/labels in charts
- Distribution of Monthly Returns
- Distribution of Quarterly Returns
- Distribution of Rolling Annual Returns
- Drawdown chart
- Dynamic and Interactive charts
- Excess Returns Charts and Tables
- Exposure Markets Chart
- Geographic Exposure
- Historical Asset Allocation
- Holding Period Exposure
- How to long, short, and net positions in a chart
- Market Cap Allocation
- Monthly Returns
- Portfolio Composition Chart
- Return (Performance) Contribution
- Return Report
- Risk Rating
- Risk/Return Chart
- Scatter plot (Manager Consistency)
- Strategy Exposure
- Style Analysis (Chart)
- Up/Down Capture vs. Benchmark
- Up/Down Market Outperformance (Chart)
- VAMI chart
- Volatility chart (12 months rolling)
Company Information
Data Import
- Available fields for Mass Portfolio Composition Import
- Calculate portfolio composition from trades or instruments
- Creating Import file / Mass import file
- Import Custom Instruments using trades import
- Import data from FCStone
- Import NAV
- Import Portfolio Composition
- Import Sector Allocation History
- Import Trades
- Mass Daily Data Import
- Mass data import
- Mass Portfolio Composition Import
- Mass Quarterly Data Import
- Most common mistakes when importing data.
- Set Auto-import
- Total Mass Import
- Update or import your data
- Updating and uploading monthly performance data
- Upload daily performance
- Upload data from Interactive Brokers
- Use FTP to update my factsheets
- Using Excel AutoFill for dates
Factsheet Publishing
Factsheet Templates
Fundpeak API
- Add new programs
- Adding Google Analytics tracking code
- Adding images to articles
- Articles
- Articles - Inteligent
- Basic tutorial video how to use TopSheets
- Change password
- Checking HTML code
- Client Portal
- Copy a program
- Copy and paste content without formatting
- Delete data
- Difference between programs and portfolios
- Disable new device sign up alert
- Edit and customize titles, headings and texts
- Editing tables in the text editor
- Export Fund Terms / Links to all reports
- Financial Data
- Install an EA to MT4
- Invoice or receipts
- Leverage in Portfolio
- Line breaks vs Paragraphs
- My program doesn't show up in the TOP 10 tables.
- Organize factsheets into folders
- Points vs commas
- Portfolio holdings and allocation templates
- Program and template adjustments
- Refer our service
- Save changes made to custom template
- Save credit cards for next payments
- Save your Factsheet
- Set up your custom domain name
- Translate my Factsheet
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
Performance Data
- Displaying daily data in default templates
- Edit cash transactions for MT4
- Highlight estimates in performance table
- How to display live and backtested results in a single table or chart
- How to display net and gross results in a single factsheet
- Monthly Performance (Current Year)
- Trades/Positions (tables)
- Update or import your data
- Update Program's AUM
- Update quarterly performance
Portfolio Composition
Portfolio Tool
Program Information
- Abbreviate large numbers in the General Information table
- Advisor fees in Program
- Change administrator
- Change program name
- Create multiple versions of your factsheet
- Custom Fields
- Delete Programs
- High-water Mark
- I cannot find where to fill some fields displayed in my template
- I changed my program information, but certain fields have not been immediately updated.
- Import Fund Terms
- Notional Funding
- Program identifier
- Restore archived factsheets
- Short program name in charts and tables
- Templates for Forex
- The License Number is not displayed properly
- Update disclaimer
- Update programs content
- Update the Fund Manager section in your template
- 12 Months ROR
- 3 Months ROR
- 36 Months ROR
- Active Premium
- Alpha
- AUM Gains
- Average AuM
- Average Losing Month/Quarter
- Average Market Net Exposure
- Average Positive Month/Quarter
- Average ROR
- Best Year / Best Positive Year
- Beta
- Calculate net returns / Include fees into results
- Calculate the non compounded Drawdown
- Calmar Ratio
- Correlation and Correlation Coefficient
- Correlation to negative months
- Correlation vs net/gross returns
- Current Drawdown
- Difference between compounded and non compounded rate of return
- Downside Correlation
- Downside Deviation (Semi Deviation)
- Drawdown Report
- Excess Returns
- Export statistics to Excel
- Fundamental Statistics
- Gain Standard Deviation
- Hide statistics without values
- Highest/Lowest Annual Return
- How to manually update statistics values
- Inception Date
- Information Ratio
- Jensen alpha
- Kurtosis
- Last 3/6/12/36/ Month Return
- Last 30/60/90/120/150/360/365 Days
- Last 36 Months Average
- Last Month
- Last Quarter
- Loss Standard Deviation
- Max AuM
- Max Drawdown Valley Date
- Maximum Drawdown
- Maximum Upside
- Month To Date (MTD)
- Monthly / Annualized Rate of Return (RoR)
- Monthly Drawdown
- Negative Months (%)
- Negative Year / Worst Negative Year
- Number of Months Fund Outperforms
- Number of Years
- Omega Ratio
- Percent Outperformance
- Positive months (%)
- Price/Book Ratio
- Price/Earnings Ratio
- Quarter To Date (QTD)
- R Squared
- Rachev Ratio
- Rate of Return
- Risk Adjusted Returns
- Risk-free rate
- Sharpe Ratio
- Sharpe Ratio Simple
- Since Inception to Last Quarter Return
- Skewness
- Sortino Ratio
- Standard Deviation (Volatility)
- STARR Performance
- Sterling Ratio
- Switch between compounded and non-compounded calculation
- Time Window Analysis
- Total Return
- Tracking Error (Active Risk)
- Treynor Ratio
- Upside/Downside Capture
- Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI)
- Value at Risk
- Which risk-free rate of return (RFR) do you apply for the calculations?
- Winning / Losing Months
- Winning 12M Rolling (%)
- Year To Date (YTD)
- Yearly Drawdown
- Yearly Returns
- Yield to Maturity (YTM)
Articles – Inteligent
Inteligent articles can display dynamic content such as program name, program´s last date, company address and many more. For example program´s last date would be the date when program´s performance was last updated. When inserted dynamically into a text the information will change everytime the performance gets updated.
How to use
1) To enable dynamic content, article´s replacement type needs to be set to Token.
2) Enter an object (Company, Portfolio, Program, Country or Benchmark) followed by dot and parameter into article´s body text. The code must be surrounded by <$ $>. Example: <$Program.LastDate$>
The list of available objects and parameters
- Name
- ShortName
- Code
- Phone
- Fax
- Skype
- WebUrl
- LinkedinUrl
- CountryCode
- Street
- City
- Zip
- PrincipalName
- PrincipalBio
- PrincipalEducation
- PrincipalLinkedInUrl
- Program
- Name
- ShortName
- Code
- CountryCode
- Currency
- MinInvest
- MinInvestText
- MinInvestCurrency
- MinInvestNotional
- MinInvestNotionalText
- RiskRating
- FirstDate
- FirstDateDaily
- FirstDateQuarterly
- LastDate
- LastDateDaily
- LastDateQuarterly
- Name
- StartDate
- EndDate
Below variables are linked to Country field under Company profile.
- Name
- CountryCode
- CountryCodeIso3
- Language
The Benchmark object is available only for benchmarks with type program or portfolio. All parameters for programs or portfolios can be used.
Example: <$Benchmark1.Name$>